Spring has blessed us with jungles full of weeds! We've discovered that 30% vinegar applied to plants makes them wilt and die really quickly! Recommendations include cutting the weeds first, then spraying. And it really doesn't take much! A little spray and 2 hours later you begin to see the fruit of your labor! That beats Round Up all to death (pun intended).
So, let the weed whacking begin! Farmer Don has been out cutting down thistles and echinacea and fox tails for days! On one of his breaks he paused by a tree and found this cute fellow doing his best impersonation of a leaf. I hear them all the time, but have never seen one before, have you?
I think I mentioned that I had an appointment the other day with the SoCal Fibershed and a new friend named Lesley Roberts. We did a presentation via ZOOM on how the concept of Fibershed fits into a more responsible, local clothing economy (which seems like an even better idea with current international snafu's). "Soil to Skin: What's in my clothes?" It was a hoot! Lesley did her presentation from home, and the other rancher and I did ours with a phone, wandering around the ranch. There are a few places where the video dropped out, but over all it was really fun.
I'm including the link so that you can join us for our presentation if you are interested. My part comes near the middle. Enjoy!
Don wanted me to be sure to include a picture of his relaxing, colorful salt water aquarium. Tracy and I asked why. The answer? Because. So here you go! (do you see the star fish and the Clown fish?)
I still have 5 young males who are under a year old who are looking for a home this spring. They are adorable and well trained. They've recently been sheared and have had their immunizations. If you are looking for some little buddies for your yard or your herd or your fiber projects, these guys would be ideal. Take a look here, and then follow the picture link to their webpage. Call or email me if you see something you like. 😉

Have a good week, until next time.
Cindy Harris ~ Alpacas at Windy Hill ~ Somis, CA 93066 ~ 805-907-5162 ~ www.alpacalink.com
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