Harper's Suri Baby Blanket
My first grand baby was born in October, and I'm so excited! Knitting and I have never come to a meeting of the minds, but I love to crochet and have recently learned the Tunisian simple stitch. I was delighted by the thick, knit-like pattern it creates, so I set out to make a Baby Afghan with some super-silky 100% baby suri I had. I've also been experimenting with dyes, so it was a natural to want to dye this afghan with fun colors. With a bit of trepidation, since I've not done this before, I decided to share this pattern with you. I hope you find it easy and fun, and I would love some feedback on how the instructions were to use.
Medium weight light fawn baby suri yarn
Tunisian crochet hook, size K
Regular crochet hook, size K
Large-eyed embroidery needle
Food coloring, vinegar and water
Tunisian Simple Stitch
Single Crochet
Slip stitch
1. Start with a slip knot on the end of your tunisian hook.
Chain 13, counting the stitch on your hook as 1, making 14
in all. This was the size I chose to
make. Yours might be larger or smaller,
depending on your needs.

4. Now pull a loop through 2 stitches, and continue pulling
a loop through 2 stitches all the way back to the beginning. You should now have only 1 loop on your
hook. This completes the 1st row. Each Tunisian row has 2 steps.
I found good dye instructions for food coloring here: http://www.dyeyouryarn.com/.
9. Using a slip stitch,
join the contrasting yarn to one corner of the 1st square. Single crochet in each stitch along the first
side. When you come to the corner, sc-
chain 1- sc in that corner stitch to create a square corner. Continue in like manner around the square at
least twice--more if you like--and fasten off, leaving a 4-inch tail. Do the same with each square.
10. Arrange the squares next to each other, and using the
embroidery needle, sew together 2 sets of 3 squares, then join the 2 sets
together. Leave a 4-inch tail when you
finish sewing each section.
11. At 1 corner of the large rectangle formed by the squares,
join the contrasting yarn (leaving a 4-inch tail) and single crochet in each
stitch around the edge. Slip stitch in
your original stitch. Chain 1. In the same corner stitch, sc-ch 1-sc to
create a square corner.
Using the embroidery needle, work each tail of yarn into the
surrounding stitches to make them inconspicuous. Trim any tips.
Optional: I am still debating whether to attempt a
simple (I'm really into simple!) cross-stitch on the squares. The Tunisian pattern makes that an inviting
Please let me know how you did! I would love to see how yours turns out. I will post the results here. You can post a picture on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AlpacasatWindyHill or email me a picture at cindy@alpacalink.com
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Cindy Harris ~ Alpacas at Windy Hill ~ www.alpacalink.com ~ cindy@alpacalink.com
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